Life is a...

I did knit on this beautiful beach but made just a small amount of progress on the legwarmer due to the many fun hen activities to be getting on with.

On my return home yesterday there was a lovely, lovely surprise which rounded off a great weekend. I won a skein of yarn from Stitchville. Thank you so much Gosia.And what yarn it is; I've made sure I've stroked many a skein since I started knitting and I can categorically say this is the softest most amazing stuff I have ever touched. Knitting this by the sea would probably lead to sensory overload.


Charity said…
The sea is amazing, and the new yarn incredible! :0)
florencemary said…
Oooh, what a lovely prize, and a superb shade. And the beach looks pretty good too! Glad you had a great time.
Linda said…
that looks a lovely beach. The yarn you won is a great colour, well done!
Curly Cable said…
What a lovely beach, glad you had a great time and lots of fun. What a lovely prize awaiting for you too, The yarn looks lush and gorgeous colour too ;)
Marianne said…
So very glad you had such a great time and oh yum! on that gorgeous yarn!!!
Reckless Glue said…
wow that yarn is gorgeous!
Piglottie said…
The beach sounds great! And the sock yarn is gorgeous :)
Lolly said…
Ooh, how decadent! and what a lovely color :) Enjoy!
I am all for knitting ion the beach and what a lovely beach this is.
Suzie Sews
Piglottie said…
Thanks for joining in with PIF Sarah! I already have an idea of what I shall gift you with, although it will take awhile to put together. Can you email me your details when you get a second please? Email is Thanks!
Artis-Anne said…
Oh what a yummy prize and a lovely colour also. Sounds like you had a lovely time :)
Anonymous said…
wow, that skein of cashmere silk looks gorgeous. And the beach is lovely.

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