Outside it's dark and freezing cold before 5pm...

...inside is the perfect antidote.


Charity said…
Ooooh, that's going to be gorgeous! Now, all you need is a nice fire...
marycatharine said…
That is a wonderful antidote!
Melissa said…
It's lovely. The yarn is beautiful.
raining sheep said…
Sigh! so pretty, I love pink. I am back from the U.S. and am taking two days of this week, so short workweek for me. Yipee! I am so tired, have been working such crazy hours. But now, Christmas season is officially approaching and I am going to try and kick back a bit.
Rachel said…
What do people who don't knit in the winter do with themselves? I feel sorry for them! ;)
Anonymous said…
mmmm yummy red yarn and the perfect pattern. thats going to look great against the SNOW youre going to get soon. hehe.
Rose Red said…
Heh heh, snap! I am knitting a springtime bandit at the moment...of course I started it a year ago (or more!) and am still working on it. Hope yours will be quicker than mine! It's looking great so far!
Kyoko said…
Such cool antidote!! I love it :D
Yes isn't it so cold now? It was raining and freezing over here last night.
I agree with the above, what do people who don't knit do in winter? I cannot imagine! ;D

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