Can you curse yourself?

Does writing something at the end of your blog post like "More to see of this at the weekend I feel sure." constitute some black magic spell that means you're bound to stuff up your knitting? Hmmm beware is all I can say! Last time I was here I was feeling all confident I'd have most of a beautiful Wollmeise sock to show you and instead (much delayed by the various toings and froings of the real life which do get in the way terribly of knitting and blogging don't they?) here is the tangle that ensued shortly after that post.
It's a good job that wool and pattern are so beautiful and meant for each other as this was the second attempt - first time around things were looking good but were coming out too tight - this time too loose so that everything has got tangled up -  in this pic with the pattern you can see what I'm aiming for - cool hey? - so there will be a third attempt!
Not for a while though, I put them aside and reached for a simple socky alternative - top down, garter rib - the only twist being that these will make knee highs. This shot of the yarn and cuff was taken the weekend before last and I'm down to the heel now so if it won't curse me I might dare say there'll be something good to show this weekend! 


marycatharine said…
I curse myself all the time... it's as if the first taste of confidence is a sign of impending doom.

Those socks are going to be gorgeous. I can't begin to imagine how hard it is to keep the tension on those floats.

I love the colors of your yarn. Worth the do-over!
Gidgetknits said…
Those socks look glorious - good luck on the next go! In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing your knee highs! Knock on wood...
Rose Red said…
Oh the tangles! gah! But the little sneek peek of the pattern is so cool, it will be worth it!

And yay for KF knee highs! What fun!
behind the ivy said…
Tangled yarn is so annoying!!

Both socks look gorgeous though. I absolutely love the colours!
Charity said…
Oooooh, I hate that! I'm working on a scarf in a fabulous silk yarn, and when I wound the first ball, I had such a tangle it took hours to straighten it out. Frustrating as can be. Your nice simple sock is lovely, though. And knee highs! Oh, how I love them. :o)
Anonymous said…
oh bugger. but at least the swap is kind of the same colours. that yarn will look great as knee highs, i think bells made a pair out of that exact same yarn!
Anita said…
Gosh Sarah...that looks like what I do sometimes with wool. Grrrr. But I love the colour of the wool. Kind regards, Anita.
I'm convinced just HAVING a knitting blog is enough to make all your knitting take twice as long as it should! Both socks look like they will be lovely whenever you are done knitting them!
raining sheep said…
Trust in my eyes you are doing splendidly. I am knitting basic socks and still have not got to the heel of the first one after two weeks! Sigh! Life would be really good if one did not have to do that work thing.
Rachel said…
Oooh, that pattern with the 'W' yarn is just spectacular! I can't wait to see know, once that knit blog curse has been lifted and all!

I find that the best way to not get something done is to allude to it on the blog. One day I'll learn and quit making public 'promises'!
t does wool said…
tangles..we all get them...a cup of tea..a deep breath and before you know it..the curse has lifted,beautiful work in progress,Sarah~

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