
That was the noise of the last week whistling past me!
 This time last week I was having a lovely time in Bath. The skies were grey but we had fun in the spa,
got our caffeine fix drinking the nicest coffee I've ever had in the UK - trained in Melbourne apparently - thank you Australia.
Sightseeing and shopping.
 I'm not sure whether you can make them out for all the reflections but this is the amazing All Saints shop window display - masses of Singer sewing machines - stunning.
 Though I saved my purchases for another kind of shop. Doesn't it look cosy and welcoming? It certainly is. I'd love to shop here regularly. A gem.
I was quite restrained, just another idea for a Christmas gift!


sara said…
Nice pictures and that yarn looks scrumptious!
Rose Red said…
I LOVE Bath. You lucky thing, having it right in your front garden (practically!). And I especially love that the wool shop is called Wool. Perfect!
Charity said…
Looks like a fabulous time! Love that yarn - alpaca cotton, mmmmm. :o)
I have never been to Bath but have always wanted looks lovely. And that wool shop......why are there no decent wool shops in Leeds?????? Grrrrr
Wendy said…
It sounds like you had a lovely time! (I'm a bit jealous, I confess...)
raining sheep said…
Oh, looks like such a great time. I would love to go to the UK one day.
Spinster Beth said…
I was lucky enough to visit the UK in September, and went to Bath! My friend and I took one of the open-top tour buses all around, and saw the Jane Austen museum and the Baths. It was wonderful! I had such a great time in the UK. I only found a couple of yarn stores, though!
marycatharine said…
Looks like you had a lovely time. Bath is on my places to visit list, it's beautiful.
Caffeine Girl said…
Bath looks just charming! What a lovely trip.
Anonymous said…
ooooh look at that, lovely pretty bath. and lovely pretty rowan. it looks delicious. we are very spoiled for coffee here, the best one i had in london was made by aussies as well. heh.
Lynne said…
My view of Bath = Jane Austen! I must visit there when I finally get to England to explore the places my ancestors called home!

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