My Tea Cosy

I wish!

Mine is a little more, well, invisible so far. This is Frilly Lily, a pattern designed by Angela Rippon for Marie Curie Cancer Care. The pattern is for sale in their online shop for a mere £2. I'd knit her but I don't need any more distractions at the moment. Each time we get close to a weekend I think this is the one: the one where the ideas meet the graph paper meet the yarn and needles. Maybe this is the one? Mum and Dad are visiting, so maybe not. Still the closing date for tea cosies is August 31st 2010 so there's time yet.


Anonymous said…
thats a pretty impressive cosy. a bit weird, but impressive! im sure yours will be worth the wait!
Bells said…
oh yes you have time. Trust me, what you are saying is just the way I feel about writing. Maybe today I'll I did start, and so should you! Don't wait.
Kyoko said…
What a cute tea cozie! I know what you mean... the weekends seem to come so quickly and go quickly too!!!
Strangely so many things on my "to-do" list disappears after a couple of weeks of ignoring...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Linda said…
The tea cosy remonds me of one of those toilet roll covers and I suppose it could be adapted to fit one.
It looks great fun to knit though!
raining sheep said…
That is a cute tea cosy...kind of that whole granny chic. I love your shawl below; it looks so wonderfully drapey which is the best thing about a shawl and I love the blue. Hope you are having a great weekend...I am doing school work :(

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