The First Test

The first test of the Ashes bats off today and while I've got my doubts that it can live up to the mens Wimbledon competition or the start of the Tour in the excitement stakes I'll enjoy watching the series and hoping that England can do a 2005 (no mentions of the 5-0 drubbing in the last Ashes will be tolerated in the comments - thank you!).

I'm joining in with a KAL for the Ashes too which should fit nicely with the Tour one for the early tests. Each KAL-er simply makes a declaration of their goals for the duration of each test. For the opener I've gone for finishing my Macaroon Purse which would also be my first mountain for the Tour. Last in, first out.

Sound too easy? Never fear there are hidden challenges on this wicket which may get me out for a duck. First up, the reason I've not made any progress since the initial flurry is that I haven't got a short enough cable needle or the right size DPNs to move on from the base without reinvigorating a long dormant technique for me - magic loop. Still with the trusty Knitting Help videos I'm sure I can get past that and on to the second challenge:
See my shiny new toy - yep I'm too scared to have gotten my impulse weekend buy (£79.99 at Lidl!) out of the box yet and somehow by Sunday I'm supposed to have used it to sew up my purse! Never fear - I'm visiting sewing machine coach extraordinaire Mama All Fingers and Thumbs this weekend. With a bit of practice in the nets I'm hoping it will all be fine.


Charity said…
Congrats on the new machine! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with it. Once you get it out of the box... :o)
marycatharine said…
Have fun with your new machine!
T. said…
New craft endeavours....yippee.
Melissa said…
We have been eagerly anticipating the start of the Ashes here too. However, being on the other side of the world doesn't allow for a whole lot of viewing, unless I want to stay up all night!

Go with the magic loop, once you get the hang of it you will wonder how you managed before.
florencemary said…
Never fear, I shall be knitting along with you for the duration of the Ashes!

Good luck with 'the machine' - I'm sure Mama will come to the rescue...
Bells said…
oh! You are me several months from now. I know a sewing machine is in my near future and I reckon I'll be full of trepidation too!

Get going! Do the purse!
Anna said…
I love magic loop, I'm sure you'll pick it up again really quickly! And wow - £79.99 for a sewing machine is incredible!
t does wool said…
oooh...a new machine!!! now,that will be fun!
DrK said…
gee you have really set yourself some challenges lately! im sure you will conquer them all though. celebrating an ashes victory is unlikely, however. hehe.
Rose Red said…
Gee, I'm so glad you reminded me of that 5-0 drubbing...heh. But don't worry, I won't mention it. Much.

Nice work with the sewing machine! I got mine for Christmas one year and I'm pretty sure it took me almost another year to take it out of the box. Hope it won't take you that long!

You might need to take it out of the box to use it to drown out the sounds of Australian bat on ball...heh!
Rachel said…
ooohhhh...a new sewing machine! Think of all the possibilities! :) Have fun with it. And share with us!
Kyoko said…
Just read all three posts so far about your Macaroon Knitted Purse kit. Firstly I am THRILLED! Magic loop method is amazing isn't it? Also congratulations on the new machine. You will absolutely have fun with it :D
I am just about to write comments on all the posts now :D Thank you so much Sarah!

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