Team Time Trial

How many stitches could I complete to add to my team's total in one hour?
A paltry 1180 apparently. I'm blaming the excitement of the race, it kept distracting me!
Panda decided she'd get in on the cushion pile arranged for the before and after shots. Perhaps I should just lie down and join her. So not a time trialler either - good job I recognised my place in life and went for the polka dot jersey.


T. said…
I'm measuring mine tonight...not sure it will be any better - how can you knit while watching the TTT???
Caffeine Girl said…
I love that you're trying to get everything off the needles. I'm not sure I could take the stress. Maybe if I had some steroids....
Sue said…
Noooooo, not paltry at all! I knit about half that in an hour. Panda is beautiful. I think cats are all the same....Lestat heads for whatever I am working on and plonks himself in the middle of it.

marycatharine said…
That's not paltry at all! How are you counting the stitches? All the ins and outs of speed knitting are beyond me :)
Rose Red said…
Ha ha, hope it makes you feel better to know I only managed 728 (or something like that) - although my knitting did involve cables and other complexities. Should've chosen a garter project!!
Bells said…
I only got around 1160 so you beat me! I foolishly chose to start my trial right when I was beginning my raglan shaping and had to spit/splice a new ball. That's what I'm blaming, anyway.
Anna said…
It always starts to make my mind boggle when we count all the stitches that go into a knitted item!

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