The first innnings

It's been a good start to the test for the Macaroon Purse, magic loop is my friend again. Quick watch of the video and I was away - I used the longest of my cables which I think makes it even easier - plenty of room to manouevre.Kyoko's pattern is a lovely knit, what sweet cables and the use of short rows to create the perfect arched top is very smart. Great design.

So now on to the machining, though I'm not sure I should wait for England's second innings to start or I might just miss getting it done for the end of the test. Yes Rose Red, it seems like the hum of the machine will be needed to drown out the sounds of Australian bat on ball!


marycatharine said…
Sports and knitting seem to be such a great combo. The purse is so sweet, can't wait to see the finished product.
Charity said…
Lookin' good! :o)
Rose Red said…
The bag is so sweet! Glad you made friends with magic loop, it's one of my favourite knitting techniques!

(sorry about yesterday...I couldn't help myself!!) I'll be good from now on. I promise...
Bells said…
oh isn't it cute!!!
t does wool said…
Sweet bag...Sarah-I am delighted to have your name in the notebook swap...I need an email address...and a mailing address if you please ;]...I am going to have fun making this for you!!
florencemary said…
Well, it's good to see something positive coming out of our dire performance so far, Sarah!
Sue said…
I won't say anything about the Ashes....but I will say your knitting is beautiful. That is one fabulous looking bag.
Linda said…
The purse looks great. that sewing machine is a bargain buy. I have my 39.99 one which goes, OK!
T. said…
Are you talking about cricket? (I have no un-international of me..)
The purse is looking great!
Kyoko said…
Watching sports and knitting is good. Also I love watching movies and knitting. You have done fantastically with the knitting. I am so happy :D It will be a fabulous purse!

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