National Portrait Gallery Kitchener Poster

Having successfully brought chill winds and rain to bear upon UK knitters hoping to make the most of our outdoor knitting spots it's time to go underground. I had a meeting in London yesterday and saw a poster in the tube which caught my eye:

Image from

It was the word Knitter that jumped out. Love this campaign from the National Portrait Gallery.


Anna said…
Umm - I'm the one responsible for the ad! I had to research little known facts about sitters in the collection. It made me giggle so much to be able to get knitting into the campaign. Although I did try not to get them to say he was actually a knitter, there's no evidence that he was.
Linda said…
Well done Anna for being the one who did that ad! Its great!
I love your socks Sarah and the Baktus looks nice in the yarn you are using.
Marianne said…
Aye, Lord Kitchener! How cool is that!
Good job, Anna! and thank you, Sarah, for posting about it.
Rose Red said…
I LOVE this!! So cool. Are they selling the posters - because that would be way cool too!!
Artis-Anne said…
Great poster and isn't it funny how one word can'pop' out . Love your knitting spot in the last post plus all your green knits too:)

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