Blogs I Love

However having said all that I loved the little mini reviews that Bells did with this award and it gave me an idea about how I would like to pass on my appreciation of my favourite blogs. Kicking off today I'm going to have a little "Blogs I Love" featurette, a shameless luvvy fest; I fully intend to work my way through most of the "normal" blogs on my reading list - ie not the mega blogs everyone knows already like Yarnstorm, Yarn Harlot, Posie Gets Cozy (though that one is a favourite). When I first started blogging trying out new blogs from the blogrolls of regulars was one of my favourite pastimes, now I read many blogs regularly I tend to add more only from lists like Bells compiled or when new uns comment here (on that note thank you Sonia for your comment on my last post - unfortunately I can't see your blogger profile to see if you have your own blog - I'd love to stop by and say Hi if you do) so I hope that this feature may bring a new place you'd like to visit and will show my lovely bloggy friends how much the blogging they do is valued by me. I'd knit you all a woolly hat to say it but I've had to recruit the 1TB just to get the mini ones done for Innocent/Age Concern
Without further ado the first four "Blogs I Love" spots go to my kind awarders :
Bells Knits
Bells' blog is so full of warmth and enthusiasm that I quickly felt like an old friend. We seem to have a very similar sense of humour and have knitted the same number of socks. I'm not sure I'll ever live up to some of her amazing projects though - steeked jacket anyone?

Blog Bletherings
Ms Blethers is forever whipping up some lovely creation, normally for one of her daughters, the lucky things. She's recently clicked two February Lady Sweaters off the needles at record pace - probably to ensure hers (which she did first) was not nabbed!
Princess Pea
This is a blog with style, fit for a Princess who seems to knit only envy inducing beautiful things, often with a lovely vintage feel. She's charming, gracious, elegant and she can fit both big toes in her mouth at once ;o)
Terri Knits
Terri Knits has got the fastest needles in the West and she isn't afraid to use them to make a bazillion gorgeous sweaters and socks. While she makes me feel inadequate that way she does at least have more WIPs and stash than me :o)
Bells Knits

Blog Bletherings

Princess Pea

Terri Knits

Like you, I found lots of blogs through clicking on blog lists from other people's blogs (and also through blog rings, although they don't seem to be working any more).