Spot the Difference

The right hand side is correct - a cuff to be attached - the left hand side is WRONG. I knew it made no sense when I was knitting it but Short Lucky is an unusual construction and doesn't have a schematic so I kept telling myself to go with it. Turns out it is not so unusual as to have a stray foot or so of knitting emerging from the top of the sleeve. I'm pleased I haven't got to try and work out where to sew that appendage to and thankful and it's not too much to rip out and correct!  Somehow the right and wrong side references in the pattern aren't the right and wrong side of my piece thought there were plenty of other clues as to which bit was the cuff! Note to self use of brain is good.

Enough of my foolishness, let's look at my plum tree blossom instead.
Happy March day that sees such prettiness.
 As Kate of Needled more eloquently said it's a real pleasure to observe the annual joys of my little world recorded here.


Spinster Beth said…
Good luck with your project! And lovely plum tree blossoms, thanks for sharing. :-)
Kitty said…
Ohhhh noooo! So sorry about your sweater! Hopefully it doesn't take too long to knit up again!
Rachel said…
Hmmm...this is really confusing to me...what exactly is that long band on the correct side doing stuck up in the middle of nowhere? I hope it doesn't take too much time to correct.
raining sheep said…
Well, as you said, luckily it is not a pain to fix. I am envious of your trees - I have trees too but they are covered with about 5 cm of snow today.
Lynne said…
Oooo! Not fun. At least it's not too much to correct!

And the blossoms are indeed very pretty.
Linda said…
Ooops!! At least it isn't too much to sort out. Aren't the blossoms so lovely at the moment?
Modelwidow said…
It's so difficult without schematics sometimes - mind you I would have been wondering with the right bit too!
Anonymous said…
ah yes. i had to think about it for a minute, but i seeeee! really, sounds just like something i would do. not too hard to correct though, and will be a great result when finished! you are so welcome to spring. we've had enough of that kind of thing down here.
t does wool said…
right or will work it out sarah..
so beautiful blossoms there ;)..
make me smile..xx
marycatharine said…
Strange... knitting is confusing sometimes. That's why schematics are so useful, I wish they came with every pattern.
Rose Red said…
whoopsie! I have done the same thing! Lucky we both had the foresight to lay the pieces side by side and see the difference!

Hope you've got it all fixed by now! Just in time for spring!
WildflowerWool said…
Oh no, we have all done something like that though haven't we!

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