Location, Location, Location - knitcroblo5

I'm a knitter who likes to knit anywhere possible. I'm not shy about knitting in public. I think I've extolled the virtues of journeys, particularly on the train, for knitting time before and knitting makes waiting wherever I am for whatever I'm waiting for so much more bearable. I like to think it makes me look like a very patient human being. It's like a disguise!
At home I have two distinct favoured knitting places. As anyone paying attention over the last few weeks may have noticed my top favourite warm weather spot to knit is at my patio table under my plum tree. Above is the super cushioned seat that I like to place my super cushioned behind on whenever it's vaguely warm enough.
As it often isn't vaguely warm enough my most occupied knitting spot is this big black armchair placed square in front of the TV, my colder weather knitting best friend. I've recently improved my indoor knitting spot with the addition of Dave, a cheery red table from Ikea. He helps out with all the kit I seem to find it impossible to knit without. Tea often being the most essential aid. In fact I wonder whether tea should have been the feature of the post yesterday, forget a hook for dropped stitches, without tea I'm not sure anything would ever get done.



Rose Red said…
Yes, a super cushioned chair for super cushioned behinds is quite the essential for a favoured knitting spot!

I feel slightly guilty to admit that I do not knit outside (in the backyard I mean) nearly often enough because I can't watch tv while I'm doing it!!
Bells said…
two lovely locations!! i wish I had more shade in my back yard then I'd knit out there so much more. i'd take an audiobook, something to drink and be OH SO HAPPY!
Marianne said…
Love both locations. Your white BH just astounds me, So Beautiful!
yeah, I make the tea too but then get so engrossed in my knitting I forget to drink it.
Allison said…
I might miss my comfy chair, but I guess I'll have to try knitting outside!
Anonymous said…
you have such terrific knitting spots, i am particularly jealous of dave! your garden is so beauitful, i hope you get to spend more time in it as it warms up.
Lucie said…
I have a bench under a soon-to-be-flowing crab apple tree, and it is a great spot to knit on the warmer days.
Unknown said…
Too funny. I have favorite spots I end up for reading ( I haven't learned how to knit...yet) and one of them is an outdoor adirondack chair: lovely to do things in the backyard ~ hopefully to birdsong. :)
raining sheep said…
Hmm, I would very much like my knit/crochet location to be outside right now...but as you read on my blog, that is just not happening any time soon. Sigh...I may need to return to the desert.
Lynne said…
Now I've acquired clip on sunglasses for my multi-focals (yes, I'm getting old) I can join you in the outdoors knitting!

Thanks for the location shots, indoors and out.
JellieBeans said…
Your knitting spots look very inviting! We've been doing our garden up a little this year so I may have to venture out there with my needles when the sun is out.
Lea said…
Oh I do like the look of your knitting spots. Love Dave too. Though he might clash with my red lounge and red rug... I should knit outside more often but it is usually only at night I sit still for long enough. must find a way to fix that.

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