
It's almost compulsory to start lots of new things in spring don't you think? With so much bursting into life around me, setting the example it's time to start creating something new. The bud photos reminded me that the same feelings were strong last year.
These two starts are little buds in their own right. Two starts which owe a lot to the Cat Bordhi videos on You Tube. I find it so much easier to learn from these than written instructions or pictures.
The Magic Cast On I've used before so one watch through of the video and I was away with this one which should blossom into an IPod cosy following Kyoko's clever pattern.
This variety of the Turkish Cast On was a new one for me so required a bit more pause and rewind action. It creates a very pleasing toe-up toe - it feels like working a star toe in reverse. Spring Shoots socks are the season appropriate accessory that will grow from here.
Happy spring!


rosalia said…
You are rigth! It's a good project.
Anonymous said…
great idea to start spring learning new things! i use the videos for magic cast ons too, for the last one i only had to watch it once, so i think this means i might be getting it! finally! look forward to seeing how your spring projects progress.
Sue said…
They both look like great projects. Thanks for sharing the link for the magic cast on too, I always wondered how to do it and now I know. I might even try that one day with toe up sock patterns!
T. said…
Spring is in the air here too! No snow in our yard and a few buds here and there.
Lynne said…
I think the Australian autumn has the same effect. After the long, hot days of summer, we start to think about bigger, warmer projects (or just getting the needles out again!)
Lea said…
I love your take on new beginnings. I love youtube for all my knitting lessons but haven't tried magic cast on ... till now.
Kyoko said…
Hi Sarah!
I am back from Japan :D It was fantastic and I am already missing my family.
So super excited that you are trying out the iphone purse. Thank you :D
I must get my knitting out too.
Hope you have a great week ahead!
raining sheep said…
Oh, I never knew about those videos. I am going to check that out. Hope you had a great easter. I am off on holidays starting this Friday....can't wait.
Marianne said…
I always love your photos of Spring in your yard! The Beautiful bleeding hearts! (I finally have some here, the red/pink AND the white! :^)
Rachel said…
I learn so much better with videos too. It's amazing what you can find on youtube! Spring is the perfect time to start projects (or summer, or fall, or winter...oops!).
Anonymous said…
Oh turkish cast on sounds so alluring. I must try it. Hurry and finish so I can see our cosy!

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