Time for a WIP round
I look at the WIPS on my Ravelry project page so much more than I see them in real life that I often start to think that I have only got as far as that last photo. Time then for a little tour of the WIPs, or those that can be revealed at any rate. Starting with the oldest first:
Moonlight - it 's an instant sweater-in-a-bag. Just add seaming!
Lady Eleanor - I hope she'll be done for this winter. Love knitting her, love the way she looks but you throw a whole ball of Silk Garden at her and she just eats it, belches discreetly and grows a teensy bit.
Honeybee is still in the naughty corner. Oh the pain of ripping back.
Just add seaming. :-) This will be me in about a week.
And the Lady Eleanor one is very funny, too. I know RoseRed is planning on starting this. I hope she takes heed!
If only you could add a pinch of seaming and shake it all about and voila! A complete jumper. Wouldn't that be great!
like the rainforest pattern very much!
Love those stripey socks BTW
I love how you refer to your unfinished sweater. Giggle. If only it was that simple. I hope you find the time to sit and seam it all up. I'm excited to see it.