San Francisco Postcards

A sock started to grow on the flight over – the biggest achievement was winding the ball from a very unruly skein. Not something I meant to leave for the plane and I certainly will be 100% prepared for the journey back. I know that knitting isn’t more important than human bodily functions but I would have loved it if my neighbours had managed to keep their legs crossed till I made it to the end of the winding. Still untangling made for a welcome distraction from the movie No Reservations which I can’t imagine I would have bothered watching to the end under more natural circumstances. I did envy Catherine Zeta Jones’ character her gorgeous apartment though. I think they spent a lot more time on the set design than the script for this film.

Today we’re hanging out waiting for heavy rain to pass over as we have a mission to The Mission planned – lots of lovely things to look at in that neighbourhood including Imagiknit :o)
The hotel is as charming in real life as I had hoped. It feels like a dolls house to me – dinky rooms, pretty old fashioned furnishings. Shared bathrooms but they are fabulous – the claw foot tub makes for a wonderful wallow.

We’re situated for this week in an area called North Beach, right by the start of the cable car line to the centre. We took our first ride yesterday and I am addicted – just wish they covered more of the city. The sedate pace uphill is just right for sight seeing and the whoosh downhill adds a certain frisson of excitement – as does the stopping policy - right on the centre of the intersections.

So despite crazy jetlag I am feeling 150% better than for the last few weeks. I am in love with this city – planning which of the mansions I might buy: Eating, eating and more eating:
Just taking it all in and relaxing. Deep breathing.


Modelwidow said…
How wonderful, have a super time. Look forward to the next instalment of photos.
That`s a very nice sock bag you have btw.
florencemary said…
Looks like you're having a wonderful time! And you managed to knit at x thousand feet!

The yarn store you're visiting looks amazing - have a lovely time getting touchy-feely with all that yarn!
Marianne said…
I am beyond happy for your complete enjoyment of your holiday! Very Cool!
Glenna C said…
Wow, this sounds like a great holiday! I loved visiting San francisco, and Imagiknit was great.
Reckless Glue said…
looks like SO much fun...I love SF! hey no issues getting your knitting needles on the plane? I find the states is the worst for that and am about to embark to NYC this week and am wondering if I can get away with it without anything being confiscated...
Anonymous said…
Heehee, there should have been photos, but I can just imagine the skein winding, whilst everyone was bored with the movie. Exactly how many people thought your knitting activity was more fun? :)
Rose Red said…
Your photos look so fabulous! I am so wishing I was in SF right now!! Have fun yarn shopping and buying your SF mansion!!
von said…
How fabulous! Glad you're feeling good and I hope the rain stops soon. I wish I was on holiday... :o)
How amazing! Wonderful views. Have a fab time.
dreamcatcher said…
Glad you were able to knit on the plane! Definitely more interesting than the film ;-)

SF looks amazing and the hotel sounds lovely :-) Have fun in the yarn stores!
Piglottie said…
Omw!!! It looks wonderful and I'm so pleased to hear you are having a good time.

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