Postcards from Home

I often manage to buy postcards with the intention of sending them and then end up posting them from home having not managed to buy stamps or recognise a post box. This post is the virtual equivalent of that; I wrote it on Wednesday last week and then couldn't get the photos to upload. I thought I'd post it now as it is more interesting than the sixty billion loads of washing I've done since I got back. That and staring at my Mum's cardigan wondering whether it will be done by Christmas. All other Christmas knitting has been abandoned or delayed, but I think there is still hope for the cardi!

Anyway here's San Fran:------
I made it around most of town before the work part of this trip kicked in. Come rain or shine or fogI have toured.

Two knitting shops have been visited - Imagiknit was fabulous, lovely range and George the Yarn Dog (not the staying still for a photo type of dog sadly) made the experience complete. Very little yarn was purchased! One skein of Malabrigo and a little Koigu KPPPM. I saved the spend for some classic books - two of the Barbara Walker stitch dictionaries and her Knitting from the Top book; much better value in the US than the UK.

I was going to let Chris off with just the one shop but following an accidental (genuinely!) detour we ended up a couple of blocks from Greenwich Stitchworks. I think I was spoilt by the experience of Imagiknit as I actually left without buying anything here. If you are rationed for yarn shopping opportunities by accompanying persons without an obsessional love of yarn I would go for Imagiknit every time.

I'm seeing a different face of the city this week; staying downtown for the business part of my trip in a somewhat more glam hotel. It's all much more luxurious here but life feels more complicated and hectic. I guess work does that to you. Lots of Christmas shoppers in Union Square. The contrasts of the wealth and poverty of this city are more evident and challenging here too. North Beach I miss you.Just a few days left now and this homebody is looking forward to getting back but still I know I will leave some of my heart in San Francisco.


And I have though it is indeed lovely to be home.


Rose Red said…
Oooh great pictures! I think I would have left my heart in Imagiknit!!
Piglottie said…
Oh it looks wonderful! But I know what you mean, its always nice to get home. Imagiknit looks amazing!!!
Linda said…
great pictures! Its a bit chilly back here at the mo!
Anonymous said…
Accckkkk! You went in that shop and only came out with such a small amount of yarn?! Lucky I wasn't there, or you might still be trying to drag me away...
I totally understand the BW books though, classics.
Marianne said…
So glad you had such a good/GREAT time of it in SF!
and very much glad you're back home, safe and sound, home is good :^)
Lolly said…
It is such a great city! I am happy to see that you had fun there :) I was there last year, and really enjoyed Imagiknit.
Fun photos!
blog-blethers said…
What wonderful pictures and memories ... thank you for sharing both!

Hope you managed to get your mother's cardigan finished in time for Christmas.

And just wanted to wish you and yours happiness and health in the coming year.

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