Sewing is not knitting

but it is fun. This is the second of my sewing groups, two to try and ensure I can attend at least one every month. I was working on my first commercial pattern today, a Simplicity skirt, managed all the cutting out which the big tables are such a treat for.


Lynne said…
The social aspects of class don't hurt either! Have fun!
Anita said…
I sometimes stray from knitting as well but not for long. I feel like I'm cheating on my knitting with my sewing!!! lol.
Cheers, Anita.
Anonymous said…
Yay for sewing! (Shhh, don't tell the knitting!)
Would it be wrong of me to ask how the honey cowls are going? The progress shot looked great!
Rachel said…
What are you cutting out for? Hey -- did you ever finish that dress you started awhile back? Did I miss that while in the field?
DrK said…
no, sewing really is not knitting is it? there are lots of advantages to knitting that sewing doesnt have, like being able to do something else at the same time. commercial patterns are scary, but easier than i thought. im looking forward to seeing what you make!
Anonymous said…
i'm still a bit weirded out by commercial patterns. I've done one - an apron. I think I would like to learn more.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see how your skirt turns out! Are you liking the honey cowl pattern? Do they drape well, do you need to use the 2 skeins rather than the 1 for a good fit? Sorry for all this knitting commentary on your sewing post...can't help myself!
mysticvixen said…
I'm impressed!!! I want to make a skirt from an old apron I bought in NYC-- I LOVE the fabric . .. but don't know when I will ever actually do it. . xoox, e

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