School's Out

Well work is for the long Easter weekend. Yippee! I see crafts, crafts and more crafts - maybe mainly crochet. That granny square did make it and I've made a few more since. 
I'm still very awkward but I'm getting better :) 
We're off on a van camping trip so plenty of room for crafting supplies. I might even get my Short Lucky finished. From here anything seems possible! Happy Easter all, may the craft be with you.


Lynne said…
Happy Easter to you too - have a wonderful craft-filled weekend.
Rose Red said…
ahhh, van camping, the only way to do it! Hope you get lots of lovely crafting time (that's my plan for this easter too!)
DrK said…
road trips and crafting seem to go hand in hand dont they?! have a great time, your squares look terrific!
Charity said…
Oh, camping! I'm so jealous, it will be weeks and weeks before we can go out... have fun! :)
Mary said…
Happy Easter! The long weekend are great for catching up with some crafting. I hope you have a great holiday, van camping sounds great. The crochet square are great too.
Modelwidow said…
What a great way to spend the Easter weekend, enjoy your camping and crafting and hope you are having the same lovely weather that we are here.
Modelwidow said…
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