Socktober Success: Esther

Pattern: Esther
Size: 60 stitches - heel to toe length 9in
Yarn: Colinette Jitterbug - just under 1 skein in colourway Velvet Plum
Needles: 2.5mm Brittany Birches
Started: 1 September 2007

Finished: 14 October 2007
Notes: I love the finished socks, they are really beautiful but I can't imagine what would ever induce me to knit this pattern again! It's well written and does produce a lovely sock but is so fiddly to execute and hard to memorise that I just didn't enjoy knitting most of it. I am proud of the complexity of the design but I really had to push myself on through line by line and I want to enjoy knitting my socks more than that.

One element of the process I did enjoy was working with this yarn. It is so wonderfully springy and has a great stretch to it which makes the socks a dream to wear. The length of the yarn to 100g (267metres) is
quite low compared to many skeins designed to make a pair of socks but I found it was a comfortable amount for these. I think it's a good choice for a lady sock but I don't think I'd attempt hearty man socks from one skein. Here's a shot of my leftovers for info. The option of knitting it on larger needles - the ball band recommends 3.25mm - would give you a bit more coverage; I do have a very dense fabric on the 2.5mm needles. Dense in a good squishy way though.


Piglottie said…
They are beautiful! I love the colour and it goes really well with the design. I know what you mean about patterns that look good but are not enjoyable to knit. I say knit something simple, satisfying and quick next to keep your mojo happy :)
Charity said…
It's too bad the pattern was kind of a pain, but the finished socks look great! :0)
Marianne said…
Oh Sarah, the Esther socks are SO beautiful! and I agree with piglottie, wise words indeed!
Veronique said…
Very nice! I've finished one, and it's impossible to memorize that stitch pattern... At least for me! Good job :)
florencemary said…
I totally agree with the 'looks good but cr*p to knit' sentiment, as recent experience has told me!

The Esthers really do look good though, and I adore the shade.
Linda said…
They are beautiful, well done.
Seahorse said…
Well done for persevereing - the socks are lovely!
Anonymous said…
Fabulous socks! Such a rich colour. Are you enjoying the Socktoberfest?
Glenna C said…
THey are so pretty even if it was hard work! I want to try this pattern but maybe I'll wait until I'm ready to tackle the challenge of a fiddly one.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous socks. I like Jitterbug and this has reminded me that I havne't knitted with Jitterbug for too long and have at least one skein in my stash. Gorgeous colour.
Curly Cable said…
Your Esthers are beautiful and all your perservence has paid off, They look super. Well done;)
yvette said…
They are very pretty. I am kind of worried about running out of yarn for my jitterbug socks.
Lolly said…
The new socks are just brilliant - I love the deep saturated tones with a simple and elegant pattern. Great work on these ;)
Reckless Glue said…
these are beautiful and I absolutely love the colour! --almost making me rethink my sock-knitting aversion.
Sarah Ditum said…
Yes, a definite success! It's a shame you couldn't enjoy the process, but I think the product will give lots of pleasure.
blog-blethers said…
They look fantastic and definately worth the persistance with the pattern!
Sock love...Yummy
Suzie Sews
PS I can not make socks for love nor money!!!

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