Life is a...

I woke to the post man knocking on the door feeling weekend cheery. When I got my parcel well, how can you not feel that life is a bowl of cherries when you have been lucky enough to win two skeins of beautiful yarn?Dorothy organised an amazing range of prizes for supporters of her amazing fundraising efforts. Thank you Dorothy :)

My work in the spare oom is complete so I'm allowed a short blogging break - no knitting till our bedroom looks as good though!


Kelly said…
Sending you good cleaning and tidying vibes... I should do some of that myself!

Nice yarn prize. I love the colour.
Marianne said…
I'm with Kelly, beautiful colour on that prize yarn! Congrats!

You did a great job on the tidying of the spare room, looks nice and inviting.
I picked up some cherries this morning, YUM.
Piglottie said…
Congrats on winning such stunning yarn! And good luck with the spring (summer?) clean :)
Glenna C said…
Yummy cherries and yummy-looking yarn, too! That is a recipe for a good weekend I'm sure.
Tusa said…
Hope you got your day of knitting.
acrylik said…
Oooh, gorgeous yarn there - lovely!

It looks as though you are doing really well with all the spring cleaning - hope you had a great weekend!
Sarah said…
Yummy cherries and yarn! Very impressed with your tidying. I'm woefully behind on my pre-baby de-clutter of our flat.
Modelwidow said…
Such a nice prize, and yes after a day of cleaning you do deserve a days knitting
Artis-Anne said…
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog:)
What a lovely looking yarn you have won there
Oh and when you are done tidying your spare room fancy coming over here ;)

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