
There are so many reasons that I love the craft of knitting but one of them is definitely the ability of the knitting to totally absorb me. Whether its flitting around gazing at blogs, yarn and pattern for hours on end, dreaming and planning or whether it is is actually physically knitting it engrosses me and takes me away from the everyday to somewhere incredible.

I got a phone call yesterday at nearly 8pm from the Mr to enquire as to where I was and when was I wanting the lift from the station. I was still with Gosia and Iwona totally absorbed in the world of socks, socks, socks. We had started at 11am and with only a short lunch and yarn shop visit we knit and talked the whole day away. Total indulgence. Totally fabulous. And the end product is not too shabby either.

I shall enjoy another extended visit to the world of socks tomorrow as I am off to York on a three and half hour train journey. For once I shan't begrudge the working day eating into the knitting day as they become one; obviously this was not at all in my mind when I volunteered for the trip. I mean its not as if the yarn is absorbing all my thoughts all of the time is it?


sheep#100 said…
Thanks for visiting.
The Jaywalkers are a very comfortable pair of socks to wear, too.
Marianne said…
Dude. What an incredible day! The kind I am only able to dream about, good for you and your buddies!
Socks are gorgeous...and I completely understand the obsession, and seriously, it IS normal...heh...knit on, girlfriend!
Charity said…
This sounds like an awesome day! What fun. :0)
Linda said…
How nice to relax! I love the booties and baking too!
florencemary said…
Mmmm, know what you mean about the total absorption of knitting!

But hey, it's all good stuff, all that serenity/good vibes transforming itself into a pair of socks, or whatever... (love the yarn, btw)
acrylik said…
Sounds like the most amazing day. :D
Modelwidow said…
Lucky you, sounds a great way to spend the day, and hope you enjoyed the train journey too.

Mind you, you are a bad influence - I now have to go make some flapjacks having read your previous post :0)
Sarah said…
Lucky, lucky you! Sounds like you had a lovely day.

By the way those booties you made are so sweet! I might have to knit some of those.
I? said…
hi Sarah - here is the link for the Kauni wool: http://www.wollsucht.de/catalog/index.php?cPath=99_114_301

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