Birthday, Part 1

This year in recognition of being too truly wonderful to be contained to one birthday celebration I thought I'd have two.

Mum, Dad and I celebrated our three birthdays at the start of the week. The cake was a big hit (thank you all for your lovely comments) as too were the silk scarf and the socks. I have been advised that I may knit any amount of socks for my Mama's tootsies which I am super excited about. This is just a slight improvement on the reception of my Dad's Christmas socks - lingering unworn - I shall try again there though - he will be won over to the wonders of hand knit socks. Mwa ha ha ha ha!

With a few well placed hints (also known as urls) I got some rather fabulous knitting pressies for part one: a ball of Sirdar Blur, a skein of Artesano Hummingbird in Turtledove, 3.75mm Brittany Birches and these little beauties.Part 2 also known as the official birthday will be tomorrow and in a fit of total extravagance the Mr and I are heading to Bristol for a weekend of fun and being pampered at a lovely hotel that I used to gaze at in awe in student days - fingers crossed it lives up to expectations. I should have photos to show on my return as I am led to believe that tomorrow I will become the owner of my own digital camera, it's like coming of age!

The first stop on our visit will not be for a trip down memory lane though, no it will be the flesh and blood version of a favourite online haunt: Get Knitted YEY! I have wanted to visit this vast and splendid palace of yarn all year and with my Ma's comments ringing in my ears I planning on going in all guns blazing for the sock yarn :o)

Queen of the Froggers has kindly bestowed this rather natty award upon me:

The lovely Marianne also awarded me the badge a little while ago. I've been remiss in passing it on - I just don't know where to start - I think that the blog owner of every blog I read rocks. Every day I realise more and more how much this community rocks - so as it's almost my birthday and that means I get to do what I like I hereby give it to everyone in my sidebar :o) Hope you all have a rocking weekend.


Linda said…
Have a great weekend, isn't Get Knitted in Bristol?!
Modelwidow said…
Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and it does live up to expectation.
Those little ladybird stitch markers are just gorgeous - you`ll need to get some really nice yarn to keep them company ;0)
Piglottie said…
Happy Birthday! Some lovely gifts and the stitchmarkers are so cute :)
Glenna C said…
Those are the cutest stitch markers ever! :) Happy Birthday! I can't remember if I said that already. Have a great weekend!
Charity said…
Happy Birthday! So glad that you had a great celebration with your family - have an awesome weekend away! :0)
Seahorse said…
Happy birthday!!!

What a fabulous array of treats!
Sarah Ditum said…
Smashing birthday haul! I think I would like some ladybirds to crawl along my needles too. Happy birthday, enjoy Bristol xx
I? said…
Very Happy Birthday!!! Lots of love from me and may you find lots of amazing and bargainatious yarns at Get Knitted. XXX
artyfartykat said…
Happy Birthday! What lovely pressies! Enjoy your weekend in Get Knitted, oops Bristol! ;)

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