Itchy Fingers

If only I could begin on this....
....but no, I have all of this I really must focus on first.Plus I am in spring cleaning mode, I know its summer (which is in fact more like autumn) but this place needs a clear out. My lovely friend is coming to stay for a week and at present there is no where for her to sleep as the spare oom is just a cupboard full of DIY kit and bags of things for the charity shop. I figure if I spend all day tomorrow clearing and cleaning then I earn an entire day of knitting on Sunday :)

I should point out that it is me that is behind the times with the Yarn Forward magazine, I only ordered the first issue last week and Kerrie dispatched it straight away, it got caught up in post strikes but it was there to welcome me home from the work trip to York. That and a lovely cup of tea - hotel room tea with UHT milk just doesn't quite hit the mark.

Queen of the Froggers have you got issue 2 then... is it as good as the first one? How is the production? I really like the ideas in this issue and there is a definite gap in the market for this magazine but the photos are a bit disappointing in general, some of them are very stretched but I'm guessing this will improve as the teams experience increases. It's lovely to have a UK knitting mag with such great patterns in.


Reckless Glue said…
I know--it's so hard not to constantly be starting new projects!
Marianne said…
Spoken like a true fibre obsessed knitter!
Good luck with the cleaning and yes, you DO deserve a full Sunday for relaxing and knitting.
Linda said…
I do have issue 2 of YF but there were problems with the production of the issue, apparently, and it ended up a lot smaller than planned and very delayed. I am looking forward to issue 3 though as I am sure things will get better. I am not sure when it comes out.
Marianne said…
Thanks for coming by..and yes, I DO plan on having at least a few minutes every night for knitting therapy.... ;^)
florencemary said…
I do like all your WIP coordinating blues (and a touch of cream). And I very much like your khaki-coloured yarn... details, please!

How depressing is housework, when you have much better things to be doing? Enjoy tomorrow!
Sarah said…
Sorry Clarabelle - bad photographer - it's not a khaki green - more a spring, fresh green - Orchard I think - Patons DK cotton.
Piglottie said…
You have some very lovely WIPs there. I quite like Yarn Forward, but like Queen of the Froggers said, the delays sort of spoilt this last edition and I think it is still a work in progress.

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