We've had a lovely lazy Sunday afternoon. Sofa bound with cats, papers and naps not to mention exciting sport on
tv and knitting in the lap.

I've also been busy in the kitchen.

Ma and Pa arrive tomorrow for a few days and we will be celebrating their birthdays from the start of the month and mine which is at the end. When I saw this
cake on Andrea's blog I knew I'd got the perfect birthday cake for

From these to this.

As is a little apparent from the clumsiness this is my first attempt at a cake iced with royal icing. I'm normally too impatient to eat the cake to wait for it to cool let alone then decorate it in any elaborate fashion but I know they will be tickled by this.

There has been more time to work on the newest
WIP - the
Stashbuster Serape - than I expected this weekend.
That'll be because I had
the book delivered to work by mistake! Ah well I consoled myself by getting sorted.
The sorting hat says that I belong in Hufflepuff!

Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."
Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Digory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.
Take the most scientific Harry Potter
Quiz ever created.
Get Sorted Now!
When is your birthday? Mine's July 30! ;)
Yep, kitty is quite the beauty.
But I'm stunned with the cake! Gorgeous...hmmm, see, I wish I could stop by for a bite of that, and birthday celebrations!
The cake is fabbo!
Lovely to have a chilled weekend, sounds so cosy!
The Stashbuster Serape looks lovely too, which book did you get the pattern from ?
...wishing it was the weekend now...
I was sorted into Ravenclaw!