Spring is in the...

...projects, if not in the air here in Oxford this morning.Two new projects are underway because the yarns were irresistible. Lovely, fresh green Shibui sock growing in the most appropriately named pattern.I'm glad some of you shared my curiosity to see how the Giotto knit up. I thought I would try a swatch and then I concluded that starting a small scarf was just swatching really so off I went. I'm pleased to say it's turning out just how I hoped. Seeing QoftF's lovely version of a similar pattern recently brought this to the forefront of my mind; I felt a drop stitch pattern would be ideal for showing off the ribbons properly. This is for a July gift so I may just get a present done ahead of schedule for once! As the outside was a little white today, PS earthy tones from the inside - our new living room curtains.
That snail was just hanging out like that, I promise Bells :o) I checked to see if he hung around for the snow but he'd slid off somewhere else. The bleeding hearts of course could not hide.


Kai said…
Your Primeveras are looking lovely! Must get myself some of that ShiBui, it's gorgeousness!

The scarf is looking really lovely.. Great pattern for it, definitely.

So much snow! Can't believe I missed it. Trust it to snow once I've left Oxford! :)
Marianne said…
Your ribbon scarf is absolutely lovely!
The snow!I'm so envious, it is just SO beautiful! and look, the bleeding hearts, rather tough little tarts, aren't they? :^D
florencemary said…
It seems really weird to live in the (normally) frozen north and look upon your snow and be able to say, hey that's just a sprinkling! But actually, it's loads more than we've got...

The Giotto scarf looks gorge.
Lynne said…
Isn't it amazing that I have watched most episodes of Morse and never seen snow like that?!? LOL

We don't have snow here; your photos make me feel cold, cold, cold! I don't like winter and our weather is cooling off rapidly!
Rose Red said…
Wow - check out that snow! Your photos are all fabulous. The scarf really does work well in that pattern, and thanks for the socks link...another one to add to the queue!!
Linda said…
What lovely socks. I like the look of the scarf in that yarn, the colours are so nice. (our snowman is still there this morning!)
Bells said…
look at all that snow! I thought you'd be warming up over there by now. Clearly not.

Well that snail was very obliging, providing you with such an opportunity!

Love those flowers.
von said…
Love the way the scarf is working out!

We had snow too, I know what you mean Spring :o/
Rebecca said…
you're so right, that drop stitch pattern perfectly shows off the ribbon yarn.
I? said…
Hey from London! It's good to visit and see all the changes on your blog. Goodness me - you're busy! G :)
Lolly said…
i love the way you are bringing spring indoors with your lovely projects! i used that same ribbon yarn in a spring/summer scarf i made in my early knitting days, and it remains one of my faves. beautiful colors!
Anonymous said…
Love the socks and scarf, and the snow....
Such pretty projects you've started!

I'm ready for Spring, but I love the trees in the snow picture :)

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