I heart the interweb...

...or how a wonderful blogger showed me the error of my bumpy ways.

I've been procrastinating over finishing up the first of my Honeybee socks and getting on to the second. I'm all past the troublesome toe and heel areas and I should have been breezing along especially as they are very purty. Truth be told though, I didn't want to get to the next toe and feel the slight nag of dissatisfaction I had with the toe and heel on these and on the dreaded LMKs. There's nothing badly wrong, no gaping holes from the wrapped stitches or severed limbs or anything like that, they're just a bit bumpier than I would like where I was picking up the wraps. I was knitting or purling them together with the wrapped stitch as that was what I thought the instructions meant and you get quite a ridge on the purl side.
Then I found this tutorial and now I feel like buzzing along with them again. The first ones are not bad enough for a do over but I hope I'll feel better about the second of the pair. Nice to see progression!

Hurrah for bloggers, for the weekend and for the fact that I have just booked for the IKnit day in September in London complete with the Yarn Harlot's UK debut talk :o)

As a PS a little appropriately coloured yarn from the stash.


Glenna C said…
I'm gld you'll get to see the Harlot, it is so fun to hear her in person plus the real bonus is getting to congregate with so many knitters :)
Veronique said…
I always use Joelene's short row heel! Comes out perfect every time :)
Love the honeybees.
Glad you found a tutorial to help you out! You'll have so much fun seeing the Yarn Harlot in September :D

Have a great weekend!
Janey said…
Me too on two counts! I always use the misocrafty tutorial and it works a treat! And I'm going to Iknit too! Can't wait to see the Yarn Harlot! See you there!
florencemary said…
Fantastic Honeybee socks! This pattern just may reawaken my interest in sock knitting...
Marianne said…
Mercy, that's a beautiful sock, what a pretty colour!
Yay! I'm so glad you're getting to see Stephanie, you will have so.much.Fun!!!
Lyndsey-Jane said…
I'm off to hunt out the honeybee socks on ravelry. I'm going to the iknit day to can't wait to see Yarn Harlot
Lynne said…
Looking good - that short row shaping can be a bit tricky, can't it?
Rose Red said…
Yarn Harlot in the UK too?! Sob. Will she never come to Australia??!! You are v. lucky.

Love the socks - yellow! Makes me want to sing!
Bells said…
Yeah, what RoseRed said. Sob.

And those honeybee socks are to die for. Good for you for working it out!
raining sheep said…
Everyone is knitting great socks...I am so jealous. I am missing out on a bullfight and knitting a sock today.
Linda said…
I love the pattern of those socks, I might copy you with my yellow yarn too!
Donna said…
Thanks for the tutorial link, I always have problems with short row heels. Love the bee pattern too. Hmm, another pattern to add to the queue!!

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