Kindred Spirits

'Oh, Diana' said Anne at last, clasping her hands and speaking almost in a whisper, 'do you think - oh, do you think you can like me a little - enought to be my bosom friend?'

Diana laughed. Diana always laughed before she spoke. 'Why, I guess so,' she said frankly. I'm awfully glad you've come to live at Green Gables. It will be jolly to have somebody to play with.'

Pattern: Country Girl Clothespin Doll Kit from Posie: Rosy Little Things
Started: 20 April 2008
Finished: 26 April 2008
Inspiration and Quotes: Anne of Green Gables - L.M.Montgomery


Kai said…
I love Anne of Green Gables!! And the dolls are very, very cute.
Janey said…
Your dolls are so wonderful!! And that quote is perfect!
Glenna C said…
Anne of Green Gables! The story of my people. Nice dolls there :)
raining sheep said…
The Anne books were my VERY FAVORITE when I was growing up. I actully went to Prince Edward Island when I was a little girl and saw the Anne house. These are very cute dolls. I'm impressed.
Marianne said…
Oh... those are CUTE little lovies.
Linda said…
They are so nice!
Bells said…
they are unspeakably adorable! I love Anne and Diana. Just lovely. You clever clogs.
Knitted Gems said…
Oh, these dolls are just adorable! I loved both the books and the movies from Anne of Green Gables. I even tried to keep my hair like hers for a while.
Modelwidow said…
What sweet little dolls, they are really nice.
florencemary said…
Awww, so sweet! And so fiddly - well done, you!

You know I never read that book as a child - I don't know why... perhaps the characters weren't naughty enough?
Reckless Glue said…
these are so cute I can barely stand it!

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