
At the end of a week of work my holiday feels like forever ago. It seems like a good time to remember my favourite souvenir from Cornwall.

Could it be this delicate Giotto for a summery scarf gift? Rose Garden is the shade - I love the Colinette names nearly as much as the colourways - very evocative.

Perhaps it is some of my Dad's hens eggs? Their corn diet gives their eggs rich yellow yolks which make for wonderful baking.

Lovely as these things are, my favourite souvenir is captured in a small way in this picture - not just another of my projects underway - this is not my knitting - it is my Mama's knitting :o)

I had a feeling that the Lace Ribbon Scarf from the latest Knitty would really appeal to my Mum and wanted to buy the yarn for it while she was on hand for the itch test as she seems to be quite sensitive to certain wools and mohair. I bought it and before I knew it Mum wanted the pattern printed off for her to have a go at. I really hope this awakens her interest in knitting again which has been dormant since I was a child. I would love for us to sit and knit together.

For the first of the PS Earth photos I headed out to the garden of course - and I found the most appropriately shaded little creature on a very suitable backdrop.And for Marianne in case you don't find any of your own this year: Happy weekend


Kai said…
The Colinette looks lovely.

Good for your mam!! :) Mine has just started crocheting again and my sis is urging her to take up her knitting again..
raining sheep said…
You know, the snail shot is quite wonderful, that would make a really pretty framed image. The Giotto is unusual...I have never seen that yarn, it looks somewhat flat and silky...Please post a pic of something knit up from that because I am curious to see it.
Linda said…
Lovely yarn. I like the snail picture too!
florencemary said…
I'm sure that Colinette is going to look brilliant knitted up. And let's hope Mumsie takes up the needles properly again! My mum is the only other person in my family who knits, but she's often quite reluctant and lacking in confidence about her knitting - I don't know why really. I'm seeing her this month, so hopefully I can work on her!

Lovely photos - doesn't the mossy tree bark look purdy!
Marianne said…
I've used that Rose Garden for a scarf a couple of years ago, such pretty colours! Hooray for your mum, I hope she continues knitting (again)!

Beautiful photos and you realize, I wept, just a bit.. at the sight of those gorgeous white bleeding hearts......sigh.... thank you sweetie!
Charity said…
Oh, those bleeding hearts are so beautiful! I'm sure Marianne won't mind sharing with me just a little. :0)

That Giotto yarn is really lovely - I look forward to seeing what you do with it.
Rose Red said…
I love to sit and knit with my mum, although mostly she is sewing (embroidery, or fancy work as she calls it).

Love the snail shot!
SueJ said…
What a gentle spring time palette of colours. What pattern do you plan for the Giotto?
Bells said…
oh will you look at that snail shell? Did you seriously find it sitting there in the tree like that? Even if you didn't, it's still perfect. Nature is amazing.
Anonymous said…
Love the Collinette.

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