Stormy Skies...

...the aptly named colourway of my latest socks in progress. Simple, effective pattern from Sockamania and knit from the top down. Ah the relief. There was a storm with those wretched LoveMeKnots last weekend so after a bit of a sulk I let myself cast on this new pair of socks as shelter.The LMKs are firmly in time out until I can bear to look at them again. I'm on the leg of the second one so felt that all pain should be behind me and that I had an easy cruise to the end. That was looking true until I made a pattern mistake, ripped back and now just don't have the will to get those darned stitches back on the needles. I'm calling it a victory that I didn't just keep on ripping right back to nothing. There is something sick about how good that feeling is. Watching those stitches pop pop pop away. One day I'm sure I'll look in my WIPs box see a nearly finished pair of socks and it will all be happy happy. Just don't mention them to me until then.On a more soothing note I've acquired some beautiful new sock yarn, this is some Oxford Kitchen Yarn on show in my Oxford kitchen - how could I resist a photo opp like that? I entirely blame Queen of the Froggers for flashing something similar and sending me over there; so you know, I thought I'd better return the favour. I'm thinking this yarn would look fabulous as the Honeybee pattern. I'm keen to tackle another toe up pattern soon as I want to be able to use this option when the pattern calls for it and feel like I should get back on this particular horse before the fear sets in and all toe ups are tainted with the LMK pain. Oh the pain, the pain.

Stop thinking about those beasts and look at this beautiful Lana Grossa cotton/wool/nylon blend.I enjoyed the feel of this yarn when I used it for the Hederas last year and am keen to have some lighter weight hand knit socks of my own but I was a little underwhelmed by the other colourways I have seen for sale in the UK. When my friend Clare asked whether I wanted anything brought back from Berlin this lovely stuff sprang to mind and I asked her to see if there were any strong, solid colourways available. Couldn't be more delighted with what she found me.

Clare also helped me sort out what to do with my Cabled Cardi. I've been procrastinating as it became apparent when laying her out for blocking that the fronts were far too long. That pattern is a leetle misleading/plain wrong in many a place and I ended up with too much shoulder. I was planning on sewing it and then cutting off the excess but my wise (and not so desperate to get over the finish line) advisor suggested I just unpick the bind off and adjust - et voila one front is now correct.

Let's finish with some PS polka dots. Cheery enough to counteract the stormy skies.


Kai said…
The OKY is gorgeous as is the Lana Grossa. :)

Good fix on the cardi.
Marianne said…
You tickle me.
I love the Oxford Kitchen Yarn in your Oxford kitchen :^) that's some pretty yarn, as well as the turquoise Lana Grossa!
raining sheep said…
After my sweetpea sock disaster time, I can bond with your sock issues. It must be like bad sock week. I love the Oxford Kitchen yarn...not even possible to buy here in Canada.
Rose Red said…
Honeybee socks in your Oxford kitchen - perfect!! I've got a similar coloured yarn, I'll have to check the pattern out!

I've got a sock in time out at the moment as well - had to rip back and so I'm leaving it alone to wake up to itself before I knit on it again!
florencemary said…
Your advisor is certainly very wise! I'm sure the cardi will turn out fine!

I do like the Berlin sock yarn (such a gorgeous blue). Don't despair about the LMKs - one day, you will pick them up again and finish them off in a sec, and wonder what all the fuss was about... trust me!
Curly Cable said…
Oh I'm with you on the horrible pesky sock patterns that need frequent rippin back, and its a nightmare getting sock stitches back on the needles again, as there are always several that work there way down leaving a ladder, and causing more rippin back.

Your yarn purchases look super, I love the Oxford Kitchen Yarn and thanks for the link.

Good luck with your cable cardi and good for you with going with your advisor and undoing rather than cutting. I bet it'll look super when finished.
Maddie said…
Hi! I found your blog via UKnitters blogring. I work for MIRA books, and we’ve just started a blog of our own. One of our authors, Debbie Macomber ( has written a whole series of books set around knitting, and I wondered if you’d like a free copy. If you would, and you have any opinion about the book (positive, negative or anywhere in-between), we’d love it if you’d blog about it, or pop by our blog ( and leave a comment!

If you’re interested in this, please drop me an email to find out more.


Donna said…
Ooo, you are naughty, I may just have to get some of that Oxford Yarn. The colours are gorgeous.

Looking forward to seeing the finished cardi.
yvette said…
Those are both lovely colours of sock yarn, hope your sock knitting gets better, a little time-out usually works for me :0)
Modelwidow said…
The OKY and Honeybee look like a perfect match - but I'll just enjoy looking at yours if that's ok, I love seeing everyone elses, but DD is going to pack bags and leave if I try making anymore socks (I spend the entire time moaning when I knit socks)

The cabled cardi is going to be lovely, I'm sure you will be glad you 'adjusted' the fronts when it's done.
dreamcatcher said…
Ooh lovely yarns, am off to the Oxford Kitchen Yarns site right now ... if I succumb it won't be my fault then ;-) Glad you were able to sort out the mismatched fronts, same thing happened to me with an un-clear pattern last year - easily frogged back as you have found :-)

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