Happy Mothering Sunday

I love you Mum, all days, all ways.

Pattern:Tender from Let's Knit
Yarn: Colinette Jittrebug - Tapis
Needles: 2.75mm Metal Straights
Started: 25 February 2008
Finished: 28 February 2008
Notes: This began life as the Heart Sachet from Interweave but linking those tiny mitred squares was no fun for me and with a deadline to meet I went for the simple heart from the latest issue of Let's Knit which has several patterns that appeal to me for the first time.

PS - Glad to see the tulips in the shops; just the leaves peeping out in the garden at the moment - love the promise of spring in the bulbs coming up.


Anonymous said…
Nice heart, have you made it scented or left it plain?

I think I am in big trouble...mothers day in the UK is on a different day than in France. My mum is going to go nuts!
Marianne said…
Aww, very sweet and so lovely!
Lolly said…
how sweet! lovely heart :) mother's day in the US is not until may, so i have a little bit of time!
florencemary said…
So sweet - bet mumsie loves it! I knitted for Mother's Day too and made my mum some Noro mitts...
Charity said…
Very sweet! I'm sure it will be much appreciated! :0)
dreamcatcher said…
I love the heart, really pretty colours too!
Lynne said…
Pretty heart.

Mothers' Day is in May in Australia too but I think I'd better think now of something to knit for my mum [who taught me to knit]
raining sheep said…
Beautiful! I love tulips too; I have some white ones right now. White flowers are my fave - does not do much good when the colors this month are still pink and red. Mothers day in Canada is in May...I have lots of time.
Linda said…
Thats a lovely heart. I tried the Interweave one too and found it far too fiddly!
I love that heart; it looks great! And the tulips are lovely :)
The heart is lovely. I tried the Heart Sachet from Interweave. I got sick of riping it. I understand the pattern now. I might try it agan one day.
Donna said…
Your heart is very nice, lovely colour. I wasn't overly happy with mine but mum got it anyway. It was very big, I used Wendy Fusion on 5mm needles!!

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