PS Baking: Rosy Buns

Pink buns forged with fire = perfect PS theme one food. Delightful any time food :o)

I've been dreaming of Nigella's Rosebud Madeleines a la Mouthfuls of Heaven
but am doing badly at finding a madeleine tin. Not wanting to deprive myself of elegantly flavoured food stuffs, I adapted my bun recipe at the weekend to get some rosy goodness in there.

These are definitely more of your full bloom, blousy tea rose than a delicate rosebud.

Rosy Buns

125gms Plain flour plus 2 tsp Baking Powder
125gms Spreadable Butter
2 Large Eggs
125gms Caster Sugar
1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 tbsp Rose Water
Red Food Colouring

Whisk flour, baking powder, butter, eggs, sugar and vanilla extract together until smooth. Add enough rose water (about 2 tbsp) to make a mix that drops easily from the spoon and then add red food colouring to match your own pink quotient.

Spoon into bun cases - this mix made 12 buns in a muffin tray.

Bake for around 15 minutes at Gas Mark 6.

Leave to cool and ice - I just mixed icing sugar and rosewater to a firmish consistency. Once upon a time I saw crystallised rose petals which would be the perfect topper, not that the crystallised violets do a bad job but they do mess up my all pink scheme, which is a little more subtle in the interior.


Janey said…
Ooooh yum...they look delicious! And very pink!
von said…
They look fab. I've got a really sweet tooth at the moment - you're making me hungry!
Rose Red said…
Oooh yummy. Wish I had one right now, I could have it with a cup of tea. Might just have to make a cuppa and go buy some type of cakey item.
Yum!!! Those sound so good, and I love the pink icing :D
raining sheep said…
Those sound pretty yummy and the colors are scrumptious. My socks (sorry I don't have an email for you) were made from ShiBui - the best sock yarn ever.
Bells said…
I really think you can't go wrong with rosewater. I love what you've done with it!

I got my tin online. I never see them around the shops at all!
Artis-Anne said…
Oh they look yummy and I think I might try and make them as Emily (grandaughter) is defo into pink at the moment

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