Happy Easter from Cornwall

Enjoying a lovely break down with my Ma and Pa. Chomping on chocolate eggs and the odd real one too. Here are a goose, some blue/black duck and bantam chickens eggs.And here are some of the creators - these are a traditional, local breed kept by my Dad - Indian or Cornish Game.
No snow down here (yet at least!), a little rain and plenty of sun shining on the blossoming garden.
A strong, very biting North wind makes knitted items most welcome when venturing outside but it can create some fun as well.We got here this trip via this lovely vehicle; lent to us by the Mr's parents (thank you again Mrs Lurker). She travels a little slower than our car but that suited me just fine :o) Here's a Lenten Rose from the garden to finish on a pink PS note. Wishing you all a lovely Easter.


Janey said…
Happy Easter to you too sweetie! Hope you have a fabulous break. xx
Bells said…
Gorgeous photos Sarah! I adore grape hyacinths. They always make me smile.

You really travelled down in style, didn't you? :-)
raining sheep said…
Gorgeous pics...we have no flowers in Calgary although it is 6 celcious today, warm for this time of the year. LOVE THE BUS...I am green with envy...I have always, always wanted to own one of those...I know, they break down, but they are so cool
Lynne said…
Happy Easter to you too. Lovely photos! Taht Lenten Rose is gorgeous.
Marianne said…
Yes, gorgeous photos! Love all the eggs, chocolate and real. My dad used to have chickens, had quite a few banties as well, tough little chickens.
LOVE the VW... I had an old '68 camper with pop top, had it for years and just loved it with a passion, I also did all the work on it, so easy, and fun even... I kid you not :^) and 'raining sheep'... if you find an older model, it usually just takes a few minutes a day to make sure the oil level is right... but I wonder now if parts are as easily available...
The Lenten Rose is beautiful.
Rose Red said…
Road trip in a combi! I've always thought that'd be so cool! And so it goes a bit slower - hey, that's more knitting time!

Hope you had a great easter!
Kai said…
Happy Easter. :)

The piccies are gorgeous and I love the VW.. so cool!
Knitted Gems said…
Ooh, your easter eggs are so pretty!
Modelwidow said…
Lovely photos, looks like your weather was definitely better than ours - what's the bright shiny thing in the sky called again? We've had rain, snow, hail, sleet and more rain - oh and plenty of wind with it.

Happy Easter
Curly Cable said…
Super photographs, looks like a fun time, I love the camper van, always though if I ever won the lottery I would buy one of those and go touring! Hope you enjoyed the easter break xx
I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Love the photos :)
Kelly said…
Happy (belated) Easter! I love the photos. It's inspiring to see that there is a Spring happening somewhere!
Well I can see your Easter was super duper...love the VW. Lucy you.
I? said…
Lovely Easter holiday... "Reads" like you have enjoyed it thoroughly.

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