Birthday, Part 2...

...also known as total bliss. I'm always one to think about how lucky I am but really after a weekend like this... well I am as happy as I could be :o) This will be one of those 'photo heavy' posts as I did get the camera and I made good use of my new toy. Sadly not in Get Knitted though - I went all bashful inside the BEAUTIFUL shop, and outside? Well it's not in the most aesthetically pleasing part of Bristol so you're not missing anything by not seeing that! We went to GK first and wowzer was it fun :0) Mr Sarah was very well behaved, went and got a haircut, helped himself to a complimentary tea and most happy making for me he chose himself some yarn for a pair of Dashing and then used the swift to ball it up - whilst doing this he was mistaken for an employee which made me chuckle. Here I am back at the hotel picking over my purchases with glee. I made a plan before I went in and stuck right to it except for a random pompom maker, which the Mr was very keen on....