March - 12of12

Though it seems mere days ago that I was padding out the last 12 of 12 with endless cat photos somehow yesterday was again the 12th of the month. Here's a mosaic of my photos taken throughout the day, and of course still featuring plenty of cat!
March 12 of 12 mosaic
1) My lovely orange journal is where I am starting my days at the moment 2) A grey walk to work made brighter with blossom 3) Puzzling over why some of the hawthorn is so much further out than others in this hedge 4) Walking home in the sun, here's the same blossom tree 5) And again as it's so pretty 6) My welcome home, she always reaches out when she wants food 7) Knitting away on the Little Wave cardigan 8) Sometimes with a little hindrance 9) Back from the vets, a check up after teeth extracted last week, all looking good 10) So good that he made it to the bottom of the garden, the little black speck! 11) Lindt bunny ensures a good nights sleep 12) Book on the go is The Robber Bride


Rose Red said…
I remembered this month! Now I just have to post!
Also, mmmm, Lindt bunny!
DrK said…
what a lovely montage. seriously, blossoms, cats, chocolate, knitting, a good book. it doesnt get much better!

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