The Mitten Machine

When I started out on these mittens I had my normal castle in the sky level of expectations for the project. These were to be the first on a happy production line of mittens to keep the paws of all my dearest peoples warm this winter. Christmas gift images flashing before my eyes I searched for a pattern that was written for sockish weight yarn given the amount of that hanging about these parts. I found this Patons one but really wanted to do the thumbs in the way that the Owlie lovelies are. So I embarked on a mash up and I'd like to have tens of mittens to show you by now but there's been a little sand in the Machine. Caused both by the general lull in creactivities and a wondering whether close fitting four ply mitts are actually what I (or indeed they) want to see adorning the hands of all around me. Different ideas are fluttering around as I'm getting that sand out. Fiddling around with numbers and notes as I work on the second mitten and have some suitably ambitious dreams of silkily lined double thickness mittens probably in a socky weight inner/DK weight outer combination.


Sea said…
I found the Vogue book very good for sizes and basic patterns
Lynne said…
Isn't it funny how we can embark on the "simplest" of projects then complicate it? LOL Best of luck sorting out what you really want to do.
Rose Red said…
I am having the same conversation with myself about Christmas stockings! Want to do in fingering/4pky but for speed, really should use 8pky/dk! But have 4ply in stash...

Anyway, what you have done so far looks great! Love that ribbing!
Spinster Beth said…
The worst thing I ever did was buy a book of mitten patterns ... I've never done any now, because there are too many to choose from! Good luck!
DrK said…
i dont think you can do anything wrong with that gorgeous colour! it will tell you what it wants to be.

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