From one weekend to the next

A week ago now I had a great trip down to see my Mum and Dad and brought a Pa back with me for a couple of days of less fun for him as he had a course close by. I took so many photos, mainly of my Mum's beautiful garden. We had some lovely sunny days and I relished that feeling of start of term freshness that comes with September still. Newness in the form of two beautiful puppies for my auntie. Train and car time made for plenty of knitting and I reached a momentous point of GAAK when I actually remembered how to do Judy's magic cast on without looking at the instructions! And so we're nearly ready for the next weekend, more lovely memories to be made, but oh why is time flying by so fast?


Lynne said…
The pictures show a wonderful cross section of your experience.
DrK said…
oh my goodness, congrats on the GAAK!! this week i remembered how to do a long tail cast on without looking and i know the feeling! those pictures are just lovely, its a beautiful time of year here too.
Anonymous said…
Yay! Love the GAAK!
Not to mention the chooks and puppies and bees, oh my!

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