A little Squam starter

Some deliciously beautiful yarn arrived today. The colourway is Deepest Depths, one of two, inspired by Squam lake and gloriously dyed by Jill Draper for last month's offering at the Squam store. I had plans for this to be the Pinehurst mitts that were designed to go with it but a certain one true beloved is rather taken with it and had it snuggled next to his neck moments after the tissue was opened before pronouncing it ideal for a hat. His socks are nearing completion and he's giddy with hand knit wanties! I'll  have to let the yarn sit a while and tell me what it wants to be.


Sea said…
I think when a certain person n your life voices a "want/need" for a certain hand knitted item..it should be listened to, and if the yarn has been selected...well need I say more...breakout those needles
Rachel said…
Wow -- this is a beautiful color! I agree with Sea...the fact that your beloved wants handknits is enough to allow him to choose whatever yarn he wants! ;)
Rose Red said…
That is a most gorgeous colour! Maybe you could take it with you to Squam to make a start on a new hat, as a surprise for the Mr?!
Fleur Cotton said…
That yarn is a fantastic colour. I'd keep it for myself if it was me!!!

Fleur xx
behind the ivy said…
Oh, that is such a beautiful colour! I'm with Fleur, I'd be tempted to keep it for myself too!
Lynne said…
That colour is gorgeous - I look forward to seeing what you decide to do with it.

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