
It was sewing class yesterday and I was wondering whether I had the necessary strength after yet another stressy week during which I had managed to catch the dearly beloved's cold (thank goodness I was nice to him - it's an evil one - not just man flu!).
I went though - reasoning that if I'd struggled in to work, struggling along to sewing class seemed like the least I owed myself. It was of course the best thing to do. Filling me up with the creative energy I was lacking. I finished off the last bits of machining that needed doing on THE dress. When I find a few quiet hours and some good light for the hem and neck binding hand sewing she'll be all done. I then made up a pattern for the next project, a very simple little loose top in this beautiful fabric I brought back from my holidays last November.
We meet in a somewhat shabby old community centre but it has huge windows and all afternoon sunshine poured in. Half a dozen of us just gently sewing/pattern making/chatting away created a gentle, absorbing cocoon protecting us from the outside world and its pressures. I felt thoroughly soothed and replenished afterwards. It hasn't cured the hacking cough but for everything else it was the best medicine!


Rose Red said…
I love that fabric. Your class sounds great, just hpwhat you needed. Hope the hacking cough goes away soon.
Lynne said…
Last week I didn't want to go to my first sewing class on the new year - I just couldn't be bothered. But, you know, I found out that it was the best thing I could have done for myself! WE need these times!
behind the ivy said…
That sounds like a fun class and fantastic medicine. Glad you're feeling better!

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