A Knitting Friendly Festival

Just back from a wonderful weekend at Port Eliot. This is the second year we've been but I didn't seem to blog about it last year, perhaps because - omission of the century - I didn't take my knitting along! This year I made good use of the time that my ears were occupied with the fascinating author talks I attended. My Miette didn't quite rise to the occasion like Cadel but she's almost there.

DoveGreyReader was really doing her bit for encouraging knitting in this beautifully bedecked tent. She provided lots of needles and yarn for everyone to knit on while they had a chance to talk very informally with her author guests. Patrick Barkham was one of my favourite authors - his enthusiasm for his butterfly quest was infectious.
I also wore a knit that hasn't made an appearance here since the knitting was finished - Double V - she's troubling me as she was a good fit when she came off the needles but has blocked out too wide. A whizz in Mum's tumble dryer hasn't sorted her so I'm plucking up the courage for a hot wash before I call her finished!
 My knitting had to have a rest while I danced round it to Andy Weatherall.
There's something for everyone at Port Eliot, and it's so beautiful with it.

 And recorded here a momentous moment for Ole Greenie on the way home.


Spinster Beth said…
Is that the van's second time around the speedometer?
Lynne said…
Sounds like a great way to spend a lovely summer's day.
Anonymous said…
oh that looks like a lot of fun, and such glorious weather. we're a little bit happy about cadel down here at the moment, by the way :)
Kyoko said…
Hey Sarah!
What an amazing festival. Looks like the weather was good too (has been OK here - more or less cloudy all the time).
Rose Red said…
Wow, old greenie is brand new!!

Looks like a lovely weekend! And yay for knitting. It makes everything better!

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