When I think of yarns I've used and loved it's always the sock yarns that spring to mind
(most recently Alchemy Juniper has really stood out as an amazing combination of softness and durability) but there is one amazing yarn in my stash that I have never used.

It's a beautiful luxury cashmere and silk blend from
Jade Sapphire which I won from the lovely Gosia of
Stitchville way
back in 2007. It is the jewel in the crown of the stash. A yarn I would walk over hot coals for but it's very beauty means I just cannot decide what pattern to choose for it. I've been confident that something would one day jump out at me but so far nothing has seemed quite right. There are two things I know for certain about its destiny though. It will be a scarf and it will be a scarf for me!

That's just so pretty!