So Nice I Made it Twice

Fanfare please - this is a stealthily knit gift for one of my favourite knitting companions. Note it is for the one who just had a birthday who is also the one who owns an Ipod. The less grey one of the two. Just goes to show that sometimes there are greater rewards than just a mere blog post in your honour.
Pattern: iPhone Purse from Cotton&Cloud
Yarn: Rowanspun DK in Cloud (734), Thor (750) and Thorn (748)
Needles: 4mm Bamboo DPNs
Start: 28 April 2010
Finish: 5 May 2010

This time I made it stripey for some extra happiness factor and I knit the inside of both pockets in the blue. Pleasing. I think it's so nice I wouldn't rule out a thrice.


Anonymous said…
i am very lucky to have had one of these made for me by a knitter friend called bells, and i can attest to the never ending pleasure it gives! great choice with the stripes!
Lynne said…
Hmm! Should I knit my iPod a home? It's tempting? And then another for my digital key-ring (the one with all the photos of GS#1 I flashed around at work today!)
mooncalf said…
Oh, I made one of these after you posted about your last one. i must post pictures next week. It is so cheery - it will make a lovely gift!
Bells said…
mmmm stripey cosy goodness! I love that pattern! And for the record, i think it's much cooler than the one I made DrkKnits but she loves it so that's all fine by me!
t does wool said…
whoo hoo...great job!
have a lovely weekend~
Linda said…
Thats great! I love the stripy stripes. :)
Cool i-pod/i-phone cozy. The stripes do add a happy factor. :)

I can't wait to get my i-phone so I can knit one too.
dreamcatcher said…
That's the nicest iPod cozy I've seen, looove the stripes and the gorgeous Rowanspun yarn. Mayhap I should treat my Classic to a woolly home :-)
Kyoko said…
Hehe, I love it! Thank you so much for trying out the pattern again. It looks wonderful :D
Do love the effect of stripes.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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