A Bonus Knit & Crochet Week Post

Favourite Knitting Companions

They may not knit but they are there by my side through thick and thin. Endless conversations (monologues?) about circulars v straights, the relative merits of Merino over Shetland or whether something might just block out okay. The pleas for measuring the drop from the nape of my neck to my armpit, the patterns and yarn swamping my lap and her seat, the trips to yarn shops (that last nearly as long as the trips to record shops), the endless boxes full, cupboards full, lumps under the doormat that are all more yarn.
These two bear it all with such grace and sometimes even enthusiasm. Through years of dedication to the cause they have justly earned the title of "favourite knitting companions".
*It should be noted that I do indeed have a favourite of my two cats as the other one has decided she loves my next door neighbours more than us and only comes back for her food. If it weren't that she is approximately 911 in cat years I'd swear she was a teenager.
I also have two knitting companions -WM and DD; he is very supportive in my yarn accumulation and storage habits as well as occasional discussions about my knitting; but she's even better because she also knits and therefore responds thoughtfully and appropriately!