Four days away for work and not a stitch knitted; Francis and my cat are forgiving friends though - crawled out of bed this morning as far as the sofa and picked up where I left off on Monday night. Simple moss stitch to finish the bottom border. Soothing purrs to accompany soothing knitting.

In the garden it's another story, I turn my back for a moment at this time of year and there are new discoveries aplenty awaiting my gaze. The plum tree blossom is officially over but the lush green canopy is now in place. Shade and shelter now for the summer to come (please let's say the UK will have a proper summer this year).

The little apple tree has picked up the blossom baton.
Isn't it good that knitting is so forgiving?
The garden photos are so very lovely, and would ya look at all the bleeding hearts? ahhhh.
I did manage to find some live plants a week ago, I picked up 3 'old fashioned' and 3 WHITE!!! yes, I'm excited.
(and fingers crossed your book arrives this week....)
Your garden looks beautiful!