Picking up where I left off

Four days away for work and not a stitch knitted; Francis and my cat are forgiving friends though - crawled out of bed this morning as far as the sofa and picked up where I left off on Monday night. Simple moss stitch to finish the bottom border. Soothing purrs to accompany soothing knitting.
In the garden it's another story, I turn my back for a moment at this time of year and there are new discoveries aplenty awaiting my gaze. The plum tree blossom is officially over but the lush green canopy is now in place. Shade and shelter now for the summer to come (please let's say the UK will have a proper summer this year).The little apple tree has picked up the blossom baton.

The potent mix of sun and showers should ensure more greenness bursting forth over the next few days. At this time of year I wonder whether there will be enough room for all the plants.


Lynne said…
And a very pleasant garden it is too!

Isn't it good that knitting is so forgiving?
Rachel said…
Beautiful! Every time I look outside it is changing! Spring moves through too fast for me!
blog-blethers said…
It's lovely seeing everything coming back to life, isn't it? I love Spring - the blossom, freshness of the green...
Marianne said…
So glad you got back to some soothing knitting with the kitty.
The garden photos are so very lovely, and would ya look at all the bleeding hearts? ahhhh.
I did manage to find some live plants a week ago, I picked up 3 'old fashioned' and 3 WHITE!!! yes, I'm excited.
Anonymous said…
Fab knitting needles! Great garden too, it must be so lovely to pop out into the garden and pick a plum or apple.
Caffeine Girl said…
What a lovely glimpse of spring. The landscape in Wisconsin is still quite barren!
Linda said…
I hope that you have a nice knitting weekend! I turned my back on the garden and it is a huge Dandelion field now!!
T. said…
Ah spring!!
(and fingers crossed your book arrives this week....)
raining sheep said…
Lovely lovely plants. I can't believe they are so mature looking already. Mine are just starting to peek out and I am hoping the snow we had yesterday and today will not kill them.
Rose Red said…
I love the idea of the blossom baton! Perfect!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photographs! I love this time of year when everything seems so full of life.
Glad you were able to have some knitting/kitty time :)

Your garden looks beautiful!
Bells said…
it's a special time of year isn't it? Great discoveries and remembering how good it can all look.

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