Knitting on the Go

My weekends normally involve a big chunk of time assigned for just sitting and knitting but over Easter, dusty, dirty DIY took over and this weekend, knitting time was mainly limited to car time on journeys to and from the New Forest and a Heavy Horse Event that my Dad was participating in. Luckily the snaking spiral of Francis is just perfect for knitting on the go.Not that I tried it out in this vehicle.I think this fella has the best idea of what to do in the spring sunshine.


Leonie said…
OOh the foal is gorgeous! And oh so lucky to be enjoying the sun.
Lynne said…
Well, it's either that or knit!

We are having autumn rains which are good for sleeping or knitting but not outdoors!
Linda said…
That takes me back! I used to look after a shire for some people in return for free rides on their horses, I was one of those horsey girls!!
florencemary said…
That foal is too cute! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend, and you certainly had better weather than us on the east coast.. still, we've got sun today, so I'll let you off.

Francis is looking good - hurrah for easy-car-knitting!
Anonymous said…
Oh, what fabulous pictures! It looks like a great day!
Marianne said…
What a great weekend! Being in the fresh outdoors, getting to see sweet sleeping foals, riding in your Da's 'vehicle' :^), btw, he's a grand looking Da!
Charity said…
Looks like lots of fun! You're making good progress on Francis. :o)
Anonymous said…
what an adorable little foal basking in the sunshine!
DrK said…
oh nice horses! thanks for the glimpse of english countryside!
Rachel said…
I have finally resigned myself to the fact that I don't like to knit in the car. Too bad cuz I spend a lot of time there certain times of the year. I envy your ability to do that!

And what a cutey foal!
Bells said…
car trips are brilliant for knitting. I will deliberately plan weekend driving around getting as much done as I can! he he

And you so should have knit on the horse drawn cart. That would be so cool.
Francis is looking lovely! Sounds like a fun weekend. That foal is adorable :D
Anonymous said…
That looks like a really great way to spend a weekend. :) I hope you had fun!
Unknown said…
Now that horsie does have the right idea. Glad your knitting's going well!

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