I found a wonderful one...

...a splendid stay at home weekend,
for the cats and I at least, the pace has been slow and languorous,with special seats,
new projects started,
wips made into fos,cook bookery rearranged,biscuits baked,yet more photos taken of my favourite blossoming tree,and a few other blooms, a promise of colour for the snow bound and one for the bleeding heart afficionados,
a dinner out, and one to come courtesy of a newly found blog
and then knitting and Lewis before bed. Simple pleasures.


Carmen Wren said…
Sounds positively heavenly!
DrK said…
hello! what beautiful photos. i have to confess i was surprised at how lovely and sunny it was in london last week. lovely blog too.
lucy said…
sounds like you had a splendid time. All weekends should be like thos!
Bells said…
You know, we had a similarly quiet weekend. Hubby said, 'Sorry it hasn't been the most productive weekend.'

I begged to differ. I finished a cardigan, grated a sock, blocked a scarf and swatched a new cardigan as well as baking banana bread and cooking soup for our lunches. What did he do?

he he. 'Not productive' is kind of different for we knitters isn't it?
Bells said…
i of course meant GRAFTED a sock!
Anonymous said…
Looks and sounds positively *heavenly*

Those photos have just made my Monday morning. Thanks for sharing!
raining sheep said…
Ah! the most perfect day. What awesome pics to make it all real for the rest of us.
Kelly said…
Sounds blissful!
T. said…
Sounds perfectly delightful!
Charity said…
Mmmm, sounds like my kind of weekend! :o)
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a marvelous weekend. I got to clean up my apartment too on Saturday - threw old clothes and shoes into bag and gave them to goodwill. I threw away less clothes and more shoes than I'd thought I would!

Beautiful photos. :)
florencemary said…
Aaaaah, so relaxing! and such lovely photos (I especially love the cat in the flowerpot!).
Lynne said…
Sounds absolutely perfect!
Anonymous said…
what a wonderful place to knit, in the sunshine on a stripy deck-chair.
Rachel said…
Sounds absolutely wonderful! We actually had sun and spring temperatures and that's all it took for me to to consider the weekend splendid! Simple pleasures!
Lea said…
Thats sounds like the most wonderful weekend - and your garden is gorgeous.
Lea said…
the woodlands shawl looks like a good one - and so does this http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/falling-leaves-wrap. I'm sure which way to go
SueJ said…
A super collection of photos. A perfect weekend imho!
Kai said…
I love those sorts of relaxed weekends! They're the perfect kind. :)
Marianne said…
All the photos are beautiful, delightful treats. I personally prefer those 'splendid stay at home weekends'.
Aaaah, the bleeding hearts. Thank you :^)
Kyoko said…
I feel so motivated reading this post. Firstly LOVE the first and the second photos of your kitty cats! They are gorgeous. That is the kind of weekend I would love to have! ;D
amanda said…
I love this post!
I want your kitchen shelf and the cat in plant pot! :)
Rose Red said…
wonderful!! what fabulous photos.
I do like your socks. I really need to get my act together and do some socks knitting. :)

I do love your photos of the flowers. The weather has been very kind to us. I've been practising taking photos over the weekend which I will blog later.

Have a nice week.


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