Time for a WIP round

I look at the WIPS on my Ravelry project page so much more than I see them in real life that I often start to think that I have only got as far as that last photo. Time then for a little tour of the WIPs, or those that can be revealed at any rate. Starting with the oldest first:

Moonlight - it 's an instant sweater-in-a-bag. Just add seaming!Lady Eleanor - I hope she'll be done for this winter. Love knitting her, love the way she looks but you throw a whole ball of Silk Garden at her and she just eats it, belches discreetly and grows a teensy bit. Honeybee is still in the naughty corner. Oh the pain of ripping back.
Nearly done with Rainforest leg number one.
And finally introducing the new kid on the block - Iris - my sweet summer shrug knit in Rowan Calmer.


Marianne said…
Those are some fine looking WIPs I must say... now... get to seaming? :^) That Rainforest pattern is really pretty.
T. said…
Seeing other people's WIPs makes me always feel better....I have an ongoing itch to cast on....
raining sheep said…
Wow, that is a lot of WIPs. I would lose my mind...I feel guilty when I have two projects on the go. I love that Iris pattern and the color you are doing it in...can't wait to see that one ;)
Bells said…
he he. This was a very funny post.

Just add seaming. :-) This will be me in about a week.

And the Lady Eleanor one is very funny, too. I know RoseRed is planning on starting this. I hope she takes heed!
Rose Red said…
Nice to see your Lady E. I shall know where to come if I run into trouble with mine.

If only you could add a pinch of seaming and shake it all about and voila! A complete jumper. Wouldn't that be great!

like the rainforest pattern very much!
Linda said…
I think that you have to bite the bullet and seam that sweater!! There are some very nice socks in your WIP's.
florencemary said…
Ooh, what lovely-looking WIPs! They're all be done in time - what is time, anyway.. just a concept, yeah?!
Modelwidow said…
Love your description of Lady Eleanors less than ladylike ways, and the rainforest socks are such a lovely colour. Good luck turning those WIPs into FOs
Your WIPs are looking good! I really like Iris; what a beautiful color :)
SueJ said…
A fine bunch of WIP's, one for every mood? Watcha going to cast on next?????!!!!!!!
Probably Jane said…
Good old Lady Eleanor - I knew she was one of us! Minds you, when she's done she'll always do you proud in public. Lovely work.
Anonymous said…
You have some great projects there - I especially love the rainforest socks!
Donna said…
I have 3 WIPS at the moment. One jumper that needs sewing up, a Clapotis, and a pair of socks that I am probably going to rip out. Hmmm, that leaves room to cast on something else I'm sure.

Love those stripey socks BTW
Knitted Gems said…
Honeybee looks beautiful. I'm so sorry you have to rip it back.

I love how you refer to your unfinished sweater. Giggle. If only it was that simple. I hope you find the time to sit and seam it all up. I'm excited to see it.
Oooh - I SO know how you feel about the Lady Eleanor! Beautiful projects!
Seahorse said…
Such fabulous WIPs, that shade of Calmer is gorgeous!
Rachel said…
Hi--found your blog through Raina (Raining Sheep). It made me smile that the first post was a parade of WIPs...something I've been meaning to do to get motivated but haven't yet! Your WIPs are impressive...some really nice patterns...hope you get the motivation/inspiration to finish them all!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous wips. Love the Lady Eleanor. I've yet to try entrelac.

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