Snail's Pace

Slowly, slowly like a snail the knitter moves down the leg of the sock, turns the heel and moves along the foot.

In an effort to big up my progress I thought I would calculate the number of stitches knit. This sock contains 9860 stitches so far.

The knitting snail wonders whether this calculation was wise as now all it can think about are all the stitches still to knit!

If someone told me I would knit over 20,000 stitches to make a pair of socks I might be tempted to say "Socks, why do you want to knit socks? You can get three pairs for a £1 down the market".


raining sheep said…
Well....never mind the stitch count. The socks are amazing and the color is pretty. looks like it is coming along; the one is almost done.
Samsara said…
*lol* I used to think like that too! They are pretty though :-)
Charity said…
Every round is one round closer to done, right? That's what I'm telling myself these days! :0)
Marianne said…
Heeee! Oh sweetie, we've all been there and thought that to ourselves at least once... and personally, I kind of enjoy figuring out the total stitch count of projects...
Your sock are Gorgeous, enjoy the knitting :^D
Marianne said…
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Marianne said…
never mind, it was just a repeat... o.O
Rose Red said…
heh - I had to put on my David Attenborough nature documentary voice to read your first paragraph!

I think it's best not to calculate the number of stitches - or at least, not until you've finished!
Bells said…
See, therein lies trouble, counting stitches. I bet you regret that now!
Linda said…
They look lovely socks. I was tempted to go to the market for some as I frogged part of my sock 3times last night, and its only an easy pattern!
Knitted Gems said…
You can't buy socks like that at the market. You just keep reminding yourself that and stop counting the stitches. I counted the beads of the shawl I knit and almost made myself sick over it. I'll never do it again. Grin.
florencemary said…
Omigod, I've just posted about the vagaries of sock-knitting... it must be something in the water, yeah?

All I can say is, I totally sympathise!
Rachel said…
I don't count stitches for that very reason. It's like biking up a steep feel fine until you look up and see what's left. And then mind and body just feels tired! Keep chugging cuz it's looking great!

Thanks also for visiting my blog...I'm taking your suggestion and very soon doing a WIP parade...stay tuned! :)
SueJ said…
worth it! whats the yarn?
Modelwidow said…
But if you bought them they wouldn't be gorgeous and comfy and individual and you would have nothing to feel proud about.(mind you, I 'd try and forget about how many stitches, that's scary)
Ally Jay said…
Gosh, 20,000 stitches in a sock, how many in a sweater?

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