Pursuits for a wet weekend

The one stitch approach has definitely helped. A half row here and a few stitches there and I managed more than one stitch every day this week. Past history suggests the best thing I could do is cast on a new super simple project but I can't even muster the enthusiasm for that. Casting around for inspiration this new online magazine Clotheshorse caught my eye. A fun concept though I haven't found the magic bullet here. Maybe I just need to heed the weather, realise it's time to put my paws up, continue the Prison Break-athon inspired by a Netflix free trial and maybe I'll add a little hand sewing on the slowest dress to the slow knitting. My crafting speed definitely suggests I should get on board with my commitment to the slow movement.


Lynne said…
We all go through phases and we all come out the other side. Go easy on yourself - they are your hobbies, not your life's work.
Rose Red said…
I will join you in the slow movement, I think. It is the story of my life at the moment!
sara said…
That first picture is gorgeous!
DrK said…
one stitch a day is better than none! maybe you just need the hiatus to find new inspiration.
Mary said…
Yes, I'm with you with the "Slow Movement" I've been working on my cardigan on and off for the past year (or longer).

Love the photos too.
Rachel said…
I'm in one of those slow movement stretches with respect to crafting at the moment as well. Before I went to alaska, I knit a shawl in a week and it seems to have taken all the knitting 'umph' out of me. Keep doing it stitch by stitch...the enthusiasm will return one day I'm sure!

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