The sun has got his hat on..

..and my toes have got their socks on. O.M.G - an F.O!

Pattern: Spring Forward Socks 
Yarn: Spirit Trail Fiberworks Sunna
Needles: 2.25mm
Started: January 2nd 2012
Finished: February 26th 2012
Ravelry page

Such lovely socks - an absolute joy to knit and they make me very proud to have knitted them. It's that magic 'looks more complicated than it really is' lace pattern. Two times through in the space of a few months and I actually had it memorised towards the end of these - unheard of for me! 

I'm glad this yarn told me what it wanted to be. The yarn sings for me in this pattern in a way it didn't quite in the shawl and the pattern sings in this yarn in a way it didn't quite in the stretchy cotton I used before. I've wondered along the way if this is the perfect ladies sock pattern and perfect sock yarn but I've finally accepted that I won't find my perfect yarn or the perfect pattern; it's about what works together and what feels right in any knitter's hands and brain at the time. When I first started knitting socks I was looking for my magic recipe - the perfect cuff, toe, heel and pattern and the one yarn to rule them all. Now I guess I'm looking for the range of things I like to go back to or use to help to identify what new pattern I might enjoy knitting most or which yarn merits a little more spending on it. I'm realising that I'm not so fussed for the super fancy structures and perfecting lots of different cast ons for socks, I couldn't get going with my sock club patterns last year in part because of that. I feel like I like things fairly simple as it's so good to get these little bundles of joy off the needles and running free. Not too simple though plain stocking stitch socks rarely quite satisfy me in the making.
In this plainer coloured yarn I love that you can really see the pretty flow and ripple of the smooth columns of stocking stitch down the leg and in to the edging on the foot. They're really sculptural off the feet and the plumpness of this super luxurious blend of silk, cashmere and merino adds to the depths. Adds to the comfort factor on the feet too. Sumptiousness, but best occasion socks as there is just no way they can wear like a super wash wool and nylon blend. Even if I ever did hit on the one sock recipe I'd repeat over and over I know I'd never be able to choose one favourite yarn, every dog has it's day!
I have another skein of this tucked away and though there is no 'perfect' these are so fine I wouldn't bet against an exact repeat. I'm very glad I have that option. Though the toes enjoyed their time in such loveliness these are actually for my Mama for Mother's Day. Weeks away still - so not just an FO but an FO ahead of deadline!! A little different from last year's. Time then to sit in the sun a while and look at what promise lies ahead.


Unknown said…
The socks are beautiful!!! I have one go to pattern for baby knitting. A cute bolero for little girls. Every time I go to it I wonder why I don't make a different pattern! But that one is sooo cute and I practically have it memorized now.
Kelly said…
Lovely socks! I share your opinion about sock simplicity too. I knit them to wear, not necessarily to show off new skills :)
Lynne said…
Lovely socks. I actually don't mind plain vanilla knitting - if I'm using a self striping yarn!
behind the ivy said…
I love these! That yarn sounds like pure luxury. It shows off the pattern beautifully! I'm jumping this sock pattern to the top of my queue because those ripples are just too pretty to pass on :)
Rachel said…
These are beautiful! And I'm all for complicated looking but really not patterns! Though I have to admit after reading all the praise for the yarn/sock combo, I was sad to see they were a gift. I'm thinking that other skein would make you a perfect pair of socks! ;)
Rose Red said…
They are beautiful socks. Pattern works perfectly in that lovely yarn. Lucky mum! I hope you do use the other skein for socks for yourself!
DrK said…
i love that kind of pattern - the ones that make us look like clever knitters. they are really beautiful, perfect in that yarn. im sure youll get a few more cool days to wear them in!

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