Sad News...

...from this little corner. Our lovely mewler Miss Bingo (aka Lily, Lilith, Martha, Lilith Martha Malone, Patch, Mogus, the Maid and about a hundred other names) passed on to higher catly things on Friday night.
She was an old girl who'd had a good life, but that only reduces the sadness by a minuscule fraction. She was ours for just over five years as we were her third set of owners and definitely her favourites. She was a gentle, dear creature. We're missing her very much.


Rose Red said…
Oh lovey, I'm so sorry xx
Unknown said…
So sorry for your loss. I am sure she is chasing yarn in her new world.
Anonymous said…
oh no. all that stuff about long and happy life doesnt mean anything when you lose a pet. she looks like a real character. im so sorry shes gone xx
Petit Filoux said…
Poor kitty, I hope she went peacefully
Charity said…
Oh, Sarah, I'm so sorry...
Modelwidow said…
I'm so sorry to hear your news, they leave such a gap when they are no longer with us.
C Kraft said…
My sympathies on your loss. It never seems to matter how long they've been with you, the special ones still hurt to lose

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